
Show #80 Panini Totally Certified Basketball + NFL & News

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The NFL looks like they finally got things worked out & we are on the verge of a crazy free-agent and RC signing period. Its possible lots of rosters get changed around here in the next couple of weeks – so you know that means lots of opportunities for cards to go up/down before they even play!

Totally Certified Basketball, and I’m totally pumped no on is really paying much attention to the NBA because Jordan Crawford Auto’s from this set sure don’t sell for much. This is a pretty nice set, and I even give details on how to win a FREE BOX during the show! The only thing about this set is that it put pressure on hobby shops to buy Totally Certified, Gold Standard, and Season Update – all which come out within weeks of each other. The clear winner is Gold Standard, and we’ll be talking about that set on the next podcast.

“Locker Room” — My idea for a basketball set
Each box will contain a ‘personals safe’ that will have special cards and inserts of top players. In order to open the safe, you need a code or key that is obtained by finding it in the other packs.

Marathon Cards – Basically a redemption card for something nice if your player plays all 82 NBA games! Not every player can be in the locker room every game, and it would be nice special set for only players that played 82 games.

Home/Road Jersey Variations. The complete base set would feature the players in their home uniforms. A SP variation will be found with players in their road uniforms.

High Game – The most points you scored in a single game will be what the card is serial #’d to. For Kobe Bryant, Carmelo Anthony and LeBron James – there cards will be the least rare, making the ‘less collectible’ players more valuable.

Branded – Most players show up to games in suits or gear that they get from a sponsor. Adidas, Nike, Jordan and Reebok could really use cards as advertisements, and I don’t think collectors would mind if it meant we got more autographs or player worn gear from them.

Coaches Playbook – A box loader sized card would work best for this, but basically the coach draws up a play like they do in the huddle & he signs it. It would be cool to get the coach and player the play is ran for to both sign these.

Shoe Laced – Imagine a card that has holes in it, like a shoe – and a players laces are laced up in the card. That would be pretty cool even if the laces weren’t worn in the game.

League Pass Trials – I’ve got to imagine the NBA could give out a weeks worth of NBA League Pass online for people that pull special redemption cards. These types of things could really benefit both companies if it works.

– Listen To Show #80 Below –



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