
2012 National Sports Collectors Convention Baltimore

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National Sports Collectors Convention Picture
Picture: National Website

2012 National Show
Baltimore NSCC
Show Dates: 8/1/2012 – 8/5/2012

Day 1 Coverage HereCard Show Calendar
2012 Baseball Card Show Calendar

Day 2 Coverage Here

Day 3 Coverage Here

Day 4 Coverage Here

Day 5 Coverage Here

The 2012 National Sports Collectors Convention in Baltimore Maryland will be the largest card show in the United States. Held at the Baltimore Convention Center in the heart of downtown, this event draws in thousands of collectors and dealers for five exciting days. The National boasts over 600 dealers who will have everything for sale inside the massive Convention Center.

If you are out of money, you can also visit up to 50 corporate booths from companies like Panini America and Topps. Look for many of the biggest companies in the industry to have exclusive promotions and wrapper redemption cards up for grabs at those booths.  See information of such promotions in the information found below.

One of the biggest draws for collectors are the autograph guests.  Some of these guys only make a few appearances a year so it gives people looking for that special autograph or photo opportunity that chance in Baltimore.

The link is listed below, but be sure to stay updated on who is signing and for how much at the National by checking their official site and the TriStar Website which sells the autograph tickets and VIP packages on it’s website. Any other website with a list of autograph signers could be incomplete or lack recent additions. Only check the NSCC site and the TriStar site as they will have the most up to date information. Athletes will often cancel at the last minute and they will have that information first.

Is Sports Card Radio Going?

Sports Card Radio Logo

Yes. Ryan from Sports Card Radio as well as some guest writers will be on-hand covering the event. Look for daily contests, lot’s of twitter updates, exclusive video/audio and much more.

Stay up to date on Sports Card Radio NSCC happenings by following: SportsCardNews on Twitter

How do I get tickets to National?

Two places before the event:

How Much Do The Autograph Guests Charge?

Some athletes are free, and some come free if you purchase a VIP package. Most charge money for their autograph.  The complete list, schedule, and prices can be found exclusively on the TriStar Website. You can purchase directly form there and you are good to go.

Is it worth going if I live far away?

Depends. I am traveling from California so it’s not a cheap flight or trip for me at all. I am looking to be a buyer at this show, and perhaps try and flip cards I purchase by sending them into Check Out My Cards. I don’t do a whole lot of eBay selling at all anymore- just because I don’t like shipping out tons of packages. If I can find some great deals on some low-end, cheaper single cards then I will take advantage of that because I have a good idea what the cards will sell for on COMC.

None of the autograph guests really get my juices flowing. Perhaps I would have put up some money to get Joe Montana, but as of yet, he has not been added to the National autograph lineup. For me, it’s about enjoying the event, be around collectors and help promote the industry from Baltimore. Everyone has a budget, everyone has other priorities in life, you’ll need to weigh and balance those before deciding to go.

Where Should I Stay?

My personal advise – stay close to the convention center. If you stay too far away you are relying on public transportation and or renting/bringing a car. This can add expense to your trip when you could just spend that money at the show. I booked a room at the Days Inn and also the Residence Inn.  The Days Inn is the affordable way to go. You are steps away from the convention center, right in the heart of Downtown Baltimore. The Residence Inn was about twice as expensive, because they feature larger rooms. I’m flying all the way from California – so for me – it’s worth being comfortable so I’m willing to fork out the extra cash. There are a multitude of hotels in that area. Use your favorite place to book rooms.

I’ve used PriceLine, but the National corporate hotel rates they provide on their website are worth taking advantage of.

What Dealers Are There?

You can check out a full list here. PDF Document

What Special Wrapper Redemptions Are There?


(1) Open FULL box of 2012 Bowman Platinum Baseball AT THE TOPPS BOOTH – you get 25 card serial numbered Bowman Platinum Blue Foil set. The set includes cards of Bryce Harper, Yu Darvish and more.

(2) Open ANY 3 2012 Topps/Bowman MLB or NFL packs AT THE TOPPS BOOTH – and you get 9 card 2012 Gypsy Queen Mini Card Set. The 9 cards in the set are Bryce Harper, Yu Darvish, Yoenis Cespedes, Andrew Luck, Robert Griffin III, Ryan Tannehill, Trent Richardson, Michael Floyd, and Justin Blackmon.
More Information: 2012 Gypsy Queen Mini National Card Set.


Wrapper Redemption Packs will be available in different quantities depending on which Panini box you buy at the show. There will be rare autographs and special instant-win autographs cards from the show.

More Information & Set Checklist: 2012 Panini NSCC Wrapper Redemption

Press Pass:

Company releases initial information on Wrapper Redemptions. Info here.


(1) Open box of Broad Street Boys at the ITG booth and recieve 1/1 game used card from that set.

(2) Open box of 2011-12 Between The Pipes Hockey at the ITG booth and recieve game used card special made for the 33rd National Convention.

(3) Open box of UM-11 National Super Boxes Hockey at the ITG booth and get a 1/1 game used card. More Information Here

Upper Deck

UD will be giving out special packs where each day of the show will contain a different group of players. In order to complete the entire set, you have to get all the packs. SP Game Used Hockey and SP Signature Baseball are the eligible products.

More Information & Set Checklist: Upper Deck NSCC Wrapper Redemption

More wrapper redemption information TBA from other companies.

2012 Topps Gypsy Queen Bryce Harper Mini National Wrapper 2012 Topps National Convention Babe Ruth

What VIP Sets Are There?

Check the link for all the VIP sets.
2012 National Sports Collectors Convention VIP Sets

I’m Not Going – How Can I Stay Up To Date Though?

This page will be useful because I will update it with pertinent information. Also – love it or hate it – Twitter will be a real-time resource for collectors not at the event. I will be popping off tweets at a rapid pace – and you can follow me here: SportsCardNews I will detail what Sports Card Radio will be doing at the National Show – a week before the event on this page and on Twitter.

Use/search the #NSCC hastag on Twitter.

Relevant Tweets and Links

Twitter: Jack Morris & Bobby Grich to sign free autographs at 33rd National Sneak Peek and VIP Reception Weds 8/1/12. – National Sports Show – June 13, 2012

Twitter: Just bought my ticket for the #NSCC. – Field Level View – June 11, 2012

Twitter: Who’s going to the National this year? #NSCC – Yanxchick – June 7, 2012

Twitter: National Sports Collectors Convention Flight booked. Will blow up twitter with polls, pics & info. LMK if you headed to Baltimore. #nscc – Sports Card News – March 28, 2012

Website: 33rd Annual National Show Website: NSCC Site

Website: Buy Autograph Tickets From TriStar: TriStar Tickets

Forum Thread: Blowout Cards Thread on National: Collector Thread

Sports Card Radio: Sports Card Show Calender: 2012 Baseball Card Show Calendar DA Card World: Buy Cards and Sets at National – Link

Day 1 Coverage Here     Please Contact Me If You Are Going! Please! sportscardshow@gmail.com

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