
Beckett Magazine to Shake Up Staff Editors

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Next time you open a Beckett Magazine it might look different. Magazine editors who worked remotely were abruptly let go in October.

Baseball editor Dave Sliepka, Football editor David Lee, and Hockey, Basketball & Sports Card Monthly editor Stephen Laroche were all relieved of editor work.

Laroche is well known for co-writing the popular Got 'Em, Got 'Em, Need 'Em book.

There is a chance those impacted might continue a freelance role with the company, perhaps writing articles for future Beckett publications. 

News of the staff shake up broke on the Hobby Insider Forum (must be a member to read). 

Sources to Sports Card Radio suggest Beckett might go with one in house editor starting in 2018.

Former owner James Beckett began publishing Beckett Baseball Card Monthly in 1984. He cashed out of the business in 2006 and reportedly purchased a $10 million Dallas home that was promptly paid off in 8 months. 

Current owners, Eli Equity LLC, purchased Beckett in 2008 from Spectrum Media LLC.

In 2012, Eli Equity sued Global Leveraged Capital Advisors LLC, a firm that loaned money to Beckett's previous owners and aided in the 2008 sale.

Eli Equity alleged GLC Adviors cooked the books in favor of Beckett Media, hiding the company’s financial problems to spur a quick deal.

The case was settled out of court in 2013.

Company President, Sandeep Dua, was accused in a 2015 lawsuit to have severely mistreated employees.

Sandeep Dua (Left)

Former Beckett employee, Rodney Alsup provided the court with stunning claims that Dua repeatedly crossed an ethical and legal line. 

Here are a few excerpts from the 2015 suit:

Mr. Dua's management style is to intimidate, embarrass and "ride" employees constantly stressing that only "A" players are allowed on the bus and “C” players (including those with disabilities) are moved off the bus.

In 2014, for instance, Mr. Dua threw presentations at Rodney in Cleveland, Ohio and made him leave a meeting room in front of other Beckett employees.

Mr. Dua's non-stop bullying and unethical conduct caused Rodney to suffer a mental breakdown on August 27, 2014.

Alsup's medical records, including doctors findings and diagnosis, were (oddly) provided to Mr. Dua and other Beckett employees.

A former Beckett manager, Mark Anderson, has previously filed a charge against Mr. Dua for similar conduct.

At least one other current (as of 2015) member of Beckett's management team has been hospitalized for depression due to Mr. Dau's threats and humiliation.

Beckett's main source of revenue is its grading division. Grading rival PSA authenticated or graded 1.4 million cards in its fiscal year 2017. Beckett probably grades a similar number of cards. 

The magazine appears safe to continue. Perhaps I will send a "Readers Write" question to Sandeep!

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