A Backyard Breaks customer is accusing the breaking company of stealing a Trevor Lawrence card.
No, not the Gold Kaboom T-Law that made the breakers famous, this time an emailer to Sports Card Radio writes, "I pulled a Trevor Lawrence patch and Grant from Backyard kept it."

The customer claims to have messaged Backyard Grant and didn't get a reply.
It's not known if this was a simple mistake by Backyard. Although in the past, it is quite common for group breakers to keep/steal cards from their customers.

Backyard Breaks has had their fair share of scandals over the years.
A former employee recently revealed that the company places shill bids on their own breaks. Shill bidding could potentially be an illegal act.
The company rigged a $500,000 break on WhatNot back in September 2023.
Many believe Backyard Breaks gets "loaded" cases with the best cards. Perhaps from distributors or the card companies themselves.
Many major hobby shops and dealers sell Backyard Breaks thousands of cards per month for "re-pack" products that Backyard makes. It's perhaps one reason why dealers and major influencers won't ever call out these guys, many rely on them for business.