Did Elite Card Grading go poof? The company has not responded to emails and some customer orders have not been finished.

We did a reaction video about ECG in June 2022. Why do you guys send your cards to companies like this? There are literally at least four better options for card grading.
This could get more serious if the cards are never returned to the owners.

Some WhatNot breakers are accused of dipping cards.
We got an email from a customer of breaker “Graded Prime” where a customer got basketball cards instead of the soccer cards they purchased.
Graded Prime stopped responding to emails.

When we heard WhatNot breaker Binky Breaks may have run off with a customers cards, we weren’t that shocked given the record keeping being used.

SGC was on the look out for a trimmed 1948 Joe DiMaggio card, and may have had to issue a $100,000 refund.
That was until the card showed up in a PSA 7 holder, essentially taking SGC off the hook for any liability.
Unconfirmed reports the entire staff at SGC did the “C-Blez Dance” upon hearing the news.

Backyard Breaks filed to trademark the word “Nicky Ripz” even though the real Nicky Ripz has moved on to break cards elsewhere.
Legal drama could unfold.

No way we made money selling a $6 Anthony Davis PSA 8 card on Goldin, right?

Actually we did and we never physically touched the card.
Bought the card on eBay from DCSports87 for $3.25 and paid on February 21.

Don’t pay attention to the $4.75 shipping, we purchased 22 other cards that night to bring the shipping total down to .40 cents per card.

The cards were sent to the PSA Vault using a custom address they give you. We never saw or touched these cards.
Paid $0.00 in sales tax because the PSA Vault is in Delaware and sales tax is 0 in that state, thus why the vault is there.
Cards arrived at PSA and they scanned and added the items details.
That cost is $0.00
We listed the card on Goldin for a modest $12.
Someone sent a $6 offer on the card on March 3.
There are no selling fees on Goldin right now.
Only into the card for $3.65 TOTAL, with a few clicks, and very little time spent, we sold the card for the $6 offer and made $2.35 profit.
All of that took 10 days TOTAL.
It took me longer to write this crap than it did to buy, sell and list that one Davis card.
Imagine if you could do this 50-100 times a day or more and never actually have the card in your hands?
Some gambling company today sent us this article and paid $200 to publish to our website for those looking for other business ideas.
In Tempe, AZ near Arizona State University there is a telephone poll with a homage to baseball cards.

Not sure what to make of the CardPorn defamation lawsuit about a LeBron James Exquisite card.
Doesn’t this letter from Upper Deck mean that CardPorn wasn’t lying, at one point the card did have a one color patch?
Defamation is impossible to prove if the person wasn’t lying.

It certainly makes this video a complete waste of time. This dude claimed the LeBron Exquisite card from the lawsuit fits into a sequence or pattern found on the front of the jersey.
Well, his sequence gets blown up if there were actually two different cards made.

Some content creators are rooting for CardPorn’s downfall here.
Many may not like Cardporn’s style (they were too aggressive trying to remove this card from Goldin in my opinion) but if they somehow take a loss in this lawsuit, imagine all the people who will be sued next?
Or, imagine all the people WE could sue for things they’ve said about us