
Show #130 5 Years – Ripping On Razzers – E-Mail Bag + More

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5th Year Anniversary

Razz is a pretty fun low ball card game, but I can’t believe people are trying to sell “spots” or “cards” like this. Just shows you the amateurs in this business.

Here are some sellers who’ve offered “razz” sales — you should avoid:
@Trade_Buy_Sell – Seems very defiant, I don’t trust this person.
@CardFatherX – Seems very defiant, I don’t trust this person.

Sports Card Group Breaking Raffles




*If you are on this list, instructions on how to get off are on the show.

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Raffle Tweet

Paypal Raffle Information

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Raffle Tweeting

Raffles Illegal in Texas

Fox 4 News Dallas Raffle

Dallas Morning News Tweet

Tennesee Illegal Raffles

Kansas Raffling

Kansas Raffles

Group Breakers Realize Raffles Illegal


California Raffle LawGovernment Website

Who may hold raffles?
Only eligible private, tax-exempt nonprofit organizations qualified to conduct business in California for at least one year prior to conducting the raffle may conduct raffles to raise funds for the organization and charitable or beneficial purposes in California.

Penal Code section 320.5, subdivision (b)(4)(A) states that 90 percent of the gross receipts generated by the sale of raffle tickets for any given draw are to be used by the eligible organization for charitable purposes. For example: An organization raised $100 in ticket sales. It would be required to spend $90 of that amount to further its charitable purposes, and only $10 could be used to help pay for expenses or operating costs associated with conducting the raffle.


Kansas Raffle LawLetter from Attorney General

In Kansas, lotteries or “raffles” are illegal both by the statute and the Kansas Constitution (with the exception of the official state run lottery games). Under Kansas law, a “lottery” is defined as an enterprise in which a prize is awarded on the basis of chance for which consideration (usually money) is given. Nor may an organization sell an item, such as a pen (or baseball card) and “give” raffle ticket to those who purchase the pen.


New York Raffle LawGovernment Website

A Games of Chance license is required if an entity conducts games of chance in which prizes are awarded on the basis of a designated winning number(s), color(s), or symbol(s), determined by chance. Only organizations raising funds for the promotion of bona fide charitable, educational, scientific, health, religious, and patriotic causes can obtain a Games of Chance license.

Raffles: Raffles are games in which a participant pays money in return for a ticket or other receipt and a prize is awarded on the basis of a randomly selected winning number(s), color(s), or symbol(s) designated on the ticket or receipt.

South Carolina Raffle LawGovernment Website

Nonprofit Raffles for Charitable Purposes

Section 33-57-100. (A) A lottery or raffle of any type whatsoever is unlawful unless it is authorized by the following:

(1) Chapter 150, Title 59, the Education Lottery;

(2) Article 24, Chapter 21, Title 12, Charitable Bingo; or

(3) Chapter 57, Title 33, Nonprofit Raffles for Charitable Purposes.


Texas Raffle LawLetter From Attorney General of Texas

Examples of unlawful raffles include any raffle that is:

  • conducted by an individual
  • conducted by a for profit business
  • conducted by a charity that does not qualify

Texas law allows only certain charitable and nonprofit organizations to conduct raffles to support their charitable causes. Only the following entities which meet certain qualifications are permitted to hold raffles:

  • religious societies
  • volunteer emergency medical service providers
  • volunteer fire departments
  • qualified nonprofit organizations


Utah Raffle LawUtah State Legislature

Title 76

Utah Criminal Code
Chapter 10

Offenses Against Public Health, Safety, Welfare, and Morals
Section 1101


(b) “Gambling” includes a lottery and fringe gambling.

(7) “Lottery” means any scheme for the disposal or distribution of property by chance among persons who have paid or promised to pay any valuable consideration for the chance of obtaining property, or portion of it, or for any share or any interest in property, upon any agreement, understanding, or expectation that it is to be distributed or disposed of by lot or chance, whether called a lottery, raffle, or gift enterprise, or by whatever name it is known.


EDITS After Further Investigation:

@BreaksForFun – Appeared to probably only mentioned the word “Razz” in a tweet that wasn’t for an actual raffle he was running on his site. I apologize to Breaks For Fun, and hope mentioning him in this didn’t cause his business any harm. This is someone I have spoken (and have really enjoyed) talking to in the past.

@AbstraktCollect – Another person I have spoken to in the past via e-mails or twitter and I think is probably legit. Admitted to doing these raffles, but said publicly that he would stop. Since this is someone I have talked to in the past and felt good about them, I have removed him from the above DO NOT BUY List earlier than if I hadn’t talked with him in the past.


@FightHobby – Ran “everyone wins razz raffle” – and I believe sometimes hosted them for other collectors/fans. While an “everyone wins raffle” is probably even slightly more legit than selling box break slots, the use of the word “Razz” caused me to flag him in my DO NOT BUY LIST above. I don’t know this person, and have never spoken to him in the past. I probably have a slightly different opinion of “everyone wins razz raffles” but I would strongly consider trying to find an attorney that can give you some free (or low cost advice) on running these. If you are making a profit, it’s still similar to gambling or gaming where “everyone wins” – just some more than others. That all being said I still wouldn’t try processing those payments through PayPal.

Below are some of @FightHobby’s comments on twitter, and just from what I read, seems to be very honest with his thoughts, so I took him off the list despite never talking to him, and the fact I have multiple people saying these were “everyone wins raffles” – and many came to the defense of @FightHobby both publicly and privately on twitter and e-mails.

New Pre-Orders
2013 Panini Playbook Football

Andrew Luck signs autograph deal with Upper Deck

2013 Donruss Elite Football is out on the 12th, which was pushed back from a Wednesday release. This marks the third pre-season NFL release from Panini. A few weeks ago they announced that there would be some boxes with extra hits to only pull that announcement off the table a few days later.

Duplicate Bowman Football serial ## cards.
A collector on Twitter sent me photos of. 2013 Bowman Joe Flacco Orange #1/50 and then sent me a link to another one on eBay #1/50.

This is the Joe Flacco that was offered on eBay:

2013 Bowman Joe Flacco orange2013 Bowman Joe Flacco orange 1/50


This was the Joe Flacco with the same numbering a collector already had:

2013 Bowman Joe Flacco orange

2013 Bowman Joe Flacco orange 1/50

Oladipo looked pretty good for the Orlando Magic during the summer league but still needs to improve shooting % and turnovers. He also plays with high energy and instinct so I see why Orlando picked him.

E-mail Question: long term value of cards and price movement for both vintage and modern cards.

Does the autograph grade really effect the value of the card?

How do you price graded cards?

In person autograph – why don’t they get much respect.

Grading card company quirks
PSA used exclusively for older cards
BGS 9.5 is often thought of as better than PSA 10’s

– Listen To Show #130 Below –


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– RAZZ RAFFLES Follow Up Show – #131 You’ll Thank Me Later

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