
Show #138 Getting Hired At Topps + Series 1 + 2 + 3 and So On

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Solution Session for Topps

Get hired. Then, schedule a meeting with the big-wigs that actually own the company. Bring the COO and/or CFO in so they feel accountable.

Put everything clear as day on Topps.com
45 minuet wait times
Redemptions will be filled slowly
Tell he truth

Create Topps.com/forum
Promise some free stuff to 5 moderators and let them answer questions.
Don’t allow trading or buying/selling
IP block idiots like me.
Get the guy on twitter to stop tweeting and answer questions on the forum.

Create internal company websites that create an organized and noted issue tracker. Deal with issues one-by-one and put systems in place so they don’t happen again.

Quit after 60-90 days and retire. Again.

Solution session for Panini

2013/14 Panini America Basketball Product lineup

Prizm Series 1
Panini Prestige
Panini Elite
Select Series 1
Panini Limited
Prizm Series 2
Panini Limited “Extra Edition”
Panini Prestige “Premium”
Panini Elite “Extra Editon”
Select Series 2
Prizm “Black Box”
Panini Preferred
Select “Black Box”
National Treasures

Factory Sets:
Prizm Series 1/2 – Includes 5 exclusive Blue Prizms
Select Series 1/2 – Includes 5 exclusive Blue’s
Both include coupons inside for 25% off a purchase at Panini Authentic

Quit making your designers make you a new set design, logo, configuration every time!!! Just make 3 different versions of each set at different price points throughout the year….. Isn’t that what Mercedes does? BMW? Golf club manufactures? Samsung? Apple? Not sure why Panini thinks its smart enough to reinvent the wheel every set.

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